Saturday, 26 July 2008

Why So Serious? Because I'm so, so scared

Tim Burton's 1989 Batman was where my love of Batman stemmed from, thus when many moons ago a teaser image was released for TDK I was so pumped, and deservedly so because, simply put Heath ledger has stolen the iconoclastic nature of Nicholson's Joker and made it his own.

As I sat in the cinema I was simply amazed by how this actor had made a character seem so realistic, an actually possibility. TDK's Joker has not only  has method in his madness, but on some level almost makes you believe that what he's doing his right, and that he merely pushes the city into becoming a trainwreck. His persuasive techniques are amazing, and the fact is that this was obviously going to be a career defining role for Ledger. The Joker's swagger, his mannerisms, the pure look of insanity contrasted with calmness in his eyes makes him a memorable character, and takes TDK to the next level.

TDK exceeds at every instance, this is the Empire Strikes Back of the Batman universe, intensely gritty and dark, and the one glimmer of hope which is Harvey Dent. When Aaron Eckhart was cast as Harvey Dent  doubt filled my mind, I had seen him in Thank You For Smoking  and thus was apprehensive about him taking on what should be a respectful and sombre character, yet he takes the mantle well and excels in his role.

There are many other success stories in TDK Bale is brilliant as previously, as are Caine, Oldman and Freeman. Maggie Gyllenhall's portrayal of Rachel Dawes is adequate, yet adequate is all it should be due to the fact that any deviations from Holmes' Dawes would have seemed out of place.

Most of the problems from the first Batman have been taken care of, better action direction and pacing, yet problems still remain, these include Nolan's love of action being displayed from a non-main character using stereotypical "amazed quip". However this problem and any others are made to seem insignificant by what seems to be an amazing concept, turned into a brilliant script, portrayed by excellent actors, who are at the end of it all directed astoundingly. As you can tell no amount of adjectives can represent  my love for this film, and it's stars. Batman remains the Dark Knight, Gotham's on and off hero, whilst the Joker is so frighteningly real and persuasive that he makes the movie his own. Yet the real story lies in Harvey Dent, as he transforms into Two Face and goes from hero to villain, Gotham's White Knight dragged down from his horse and through the mud by the maniacal jester.

Friday, 25 July 2008

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Giant Bomb Explodes and I'm there.

GagJ, hit me up.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Reactions From Gamers [IM Conversation]

Rs sThe Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh gagg

Me says:

guys e3 has broke the itnernetz

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

this happens every year

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i know nothing is working

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

they never learn

Me says:

wassup ed long time no speak

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i know i know, too long

Me says:

Me says:

yeah i know seems liek youve turned into some sort of club lothario?

guys they've found the hardrive says:

this g4 stream is weird

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

achievement unlocked : fitting the word club and lothario in a sentence together

guys they've found the hardrive says:

lol yeah i got in thanks to somebodies id

Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

faz just handed me this card, it said i was 22

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

lol nice

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

did you ever give that id back?

Me says:

the problem at ahnd: nothing is working

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

i gave it back

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

i got ign livewire working on IE

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the g4 stream just has this asian guy on a mike but its frozen

Me says:

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

ewww ie !

Me says:

i know but its working perfectly

Me says:

try opera, itll work on that as well

Me says:

guys i fucking came hoem for this we are not missing this

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

came home from where

Me says:

quick predictions: Halo tactical shooter, Alan Wake, Itaagaju sign up

Me says:

out with Manpreet and my cousin

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

gag it says i have to install a player?!

Me says:

i didnt tell them it was for videogames though

Me says:

oh shit

Me says:

yeah the move playyer

Me says:

install it it takes 2 secs

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im installing

guys they've found the hardrive says:

desperate times call for desperate measures

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

i think its about to start the musics stopping

Me says:

*praying for Jay LAlard*

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

shut up

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im working

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

green screen with media briefing?

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i can't install it

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

well i have

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

but it keeps asking me to install

guys they've found the hardrive says:

just music and a green bckground

Me says:

restart browser

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i did

Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

the music is so bad

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

Hes so slimy businessman

guys they've found the hardrive says:

bring back peter moore

Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

chris you on?

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

mines fucked

Me says:

try G4 again

Me says:

its till the bullshit atm

Me says:

*fastening seatbelt*

guys they've found the hardrive says:

fallout 3 trailer

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

man this is so tense trying to get it working

Me says:

bro its nothing sepcial atm

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

fallout 3 !

Me says:

yeah its the same old stupid 30s'esque commercial

Me says:

NEWWSFLASH! BIoshock did that last eyar wake the fuck up bethesda

guys they've found the hardrive says:

man your such an angry nerd

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i've got a feeling its going to be one angry show

guys they've found the hardrive says:

nic gfx

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

is it the old trailer

Me says:


Me says:

the "teaser"

Me says:

oo DFallout 3 played demo

guys they've found the hardrive says:

he's going to demo it

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i'm on

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

lol @ controller

guys they've found the hardrive says:

gfx are awesome

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

pop In !

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

woah really bad aswell

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

look at it load in the floor

guys they've found the hardrive says:

what are you on about, i've just got the whole screen

Me says:

hes talking about textures

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

yeah it does see; Stranglehold last year

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its very oblivion esquie

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

like the items

guys they've found the hardrive says:

gags right, the humour is just bioshock

Me says:

it loks cool, but this is gonna sound weird

Me says:

i dont like the feel

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i like it, but they've demoed this too long now

Me says:

the mix is too weird

Me says:

COld world politics, 30's humour/atmosphere, sci fi weapons WTF?

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i like the setting

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

MGS lol

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats was k

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that ended rather abruptly

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

*rolls eyes*

Me says:


Me says:

Horse armour

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

exclusive content

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

how much did you pay for that one

Me says:

we paid 50 mill for that as well

guys they've found the hardrive says:

money well spent

Me says:

yay resi

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

this should be hot

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i hope they take the whites out though

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

white people aren't meant to be in africa

guys they've found the hardrive says:

what about Afrikans

Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

south african people

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh god there being shot

Me says:

Kojimas translator is better and looks cooler

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

oh im behind u dixon

guys they've found the hardrive says:

again the gfx are really good

Me says:

Lighting is brilliant

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i'm watching it on gs now

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

just got chainsaw guy

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

think its a few seconds ahead

Me says:

yh it is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

wtf the demo is finished

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

gamespots is well ahead

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i think im behind you huys

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

is he near whit ebarrels?

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

re5 simulationeous release

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im on the girk

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

friday march 13th 09

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

go on gamespots stream

guys they've found the hardrive says:

they've just revealed co-op

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

shit that will be awesome

Me says:

dman it dixon your ahead of us

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

my god peter molyneux is arrogant

guys they've found the hardrive says:

man that is awesome re5 co-op

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

expected like

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

bates will gsm

Me says:


Me says:

where is he?

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

right switching to gs stream

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i think the fable stuff is cg

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

or its just very good gfx

guys they've found the hardrive says:

its cg

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

wait no

guys they've found the hardrive says:

are you at the snowdrop

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

thats gfx

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

sound like theyre in eastenders

guys they've found the hardrive says:

its mean to be like that

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

have you played fable?

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

tease me peter

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the dog....

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

'you've never expirienced anything like the dog in the game'

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

thats hot

guys they've found the hardrive says:

yeah thats pretty cool

guys they've found the hardrive says:

gag where are you

Me says:

dog mjumpijng

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

gta iv

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

nobodies done that social think well though

guys they've found the hardrive says:

apart from MMOs

Me says:

where are you guys?

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

you can shag your mates wife

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that shot

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

im there

Me says:

introducing fmaily for me

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

decent demo

Me says:

Oct this year Yay

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

i thinkw e're on apr now

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

gears silly

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i saw a dinosaur though eww

Me says:

that trailers sick!

guys they've found the hardrive says:

that trailer was awesome

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh lame cliff

Me says:

fuck you dude

Me says:

2 player co op

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

this is a nerds dream

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

HDR, bloom particle effects

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh yess

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

did your stream just repeat?

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:


Me says:

this looks lovely non?

guys they've found the hardrive says:

well we're all at the same spot now

guys they've found the hardrive says:

man this is the best looming game imo

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

but i wanna see a proper cut scene for the "better story" taht amde people at epic cry

guys they've found the hardrive says:

new locust!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

yeah best looking 360 game i've seen

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

its so fast-paced

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh my

guys they've found the hardrive says:

this is amazing

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i think either this or mgs4 for goty

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

lol lift

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

if i accidentally leave invite me back in

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

best demo so far

guys they've found the hardrive says:

very good

Me says:

damn im getting lag!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that sounds good

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol the music

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i know lol

guys they've found the hardrive says:

its so bad

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

he looks like johnny robison aged 45

guys they've found the hardrive says:

he hasn't got the teeth

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

shame about the other territories ay

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the attach rate

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

thats bollocks

guys they've found the hardrive says:

not on software

guys they've found the hardrive says:

come on new stuff

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

make it free !

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

most of it in subscription fees

Me says:

they wont make it free ever

guys they've found the hardrive says:

its what balances the books

Me says:

they might change what the subscription gives you but i doubt it

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

already this is better than last years

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

heroes !

guys they've found the hardrive says:

nice universal

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and americas next top model if i remember correctly

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

the pie !

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

quality films there like

guys they've found the hardrive says:

it all adds to the libary

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol sony own mgm

Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

oh yeah, thats cool

Me says:

Schapperts a lad

Me says:

hell be talking about XNA

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i've just thought

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

peter moore will come on for ea !

Me says:


Me says:

I hope Kim comes on

guys they've found the hardrive says:

man im praying for dead rising 2

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

because it will probz be multiplat

Me says:


Me says:

ooo Dhashboard 2.0 hopefully

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

why change the dashboard

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its good

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

drum roll

Me says:

cause you guys caught up

Me says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh no

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh sick

guys they've found the hardrive says:

holy crap

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and bad sick

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats weird

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its very xmb ish

Me says:

yeah ur right

Me says:

i actually like it

guys they've found the hardrive says:

whats up with themes?

Me says:

they kept gamercard

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

so lame

guys they've found the hardrive says:

of course they kept the gamer card

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

there should be an option to use old dashboard

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its wayy better imo

Me says:

but its not that different

Me says:

instea dof blades itsd a menu

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

deja vu !

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

stream freeze?!

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

yep same

guys they've found the hardrive says:

still frozen

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

ms are going to be ripped so badly with this and a motion control aswell

guys they've found the hardrive says:

actually those games could be quite fun

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats pretty cool

Me says:

yeah finally more than 2 person chat

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that is quite cool

guys they've found the hardrive says:

that 1 vs 100 looked awesome

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

that party system is really good

guys they've found the hardrive says:

everything as a party gag

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

games, photos etc seamless transition

Me says:


Me says:

does it still have cleanliness and wquickness like dashboard

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

Geometry wars 2 exclusive!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

it looks the same as 1 but with 4 player co op

Me says:


Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

its completely different

guys they've found the hardrive says:

so much more going on

guys they've found the hardrive says:

actually not that different lol

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


Me says:

im behind

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

new galaga

Me says:

oh ok

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

most hyped game easily

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

next month exclusive brilliant

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

if it plays like the original just wow

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol waits for kojima

Me says:

Portal 2

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

2008 exclusive

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

when did it say that

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

it said 2008 exclusive

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

trust me

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol what a voice

Me says:

it did

Me says:

sotun aprk lol

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

was that it

guys they've found the hardrive says:

lol new south park exclusive

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

chefs luv shack

guys they've found the hardrive says:

hopefully like the dreamcast version

guys they've found the hardrive says:

lol same thought

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

omg galaga thats so cool

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im much more psyched about Geometry wars 2

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

word soup looks so dull

Me says:

i love new dashboard

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i'll have to see how it handles. it reminds me of vista

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol shut up

guys they've found the hardrive says:

only console to have netflix!

guys they've found the hardrive says:

no extra cost

Me says:

thst amazing its not good for us in the UK uunless it comes

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

woah thats sweet if its free

guys they've found the hardrive says:

share netflix films over live!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

huh, so theyre not free

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

why would you want to share something thats free

guys they've found the hardrive says:

lol avatar

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

these will be the big announcememnts

guys they've found the hardrive says:

omg need for speed!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

ew gta iv

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

the new banjo looks lame

Me says:

it doesnt

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i think it looks pretty cool

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

too vehicle focused

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and kiddy

Me says:

no it isnt

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i mean im not super hyped but its like nothing else on 360

Me says:

yes kiddy but not too vehicle focused

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

cut the family stuff

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i want new DR!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i know sheesh

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

shenmue 3 !

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its not going to happen is it

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im sorry chris...but no its not going to happen

Me says:

Fuck VIVA!

guys they've found the hardrive says:

lol im psyched

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

yey thats cool

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats good, def get that

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

drum roll

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

deja vu

guys they've found the hardrive says:

this is so wii

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its buzz

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i never heard of buzz

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

sold 10 million plus as a franchise

guys they've found the hardrive says:

scene it is the future

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

wow we have to become freinds with fiksen for his vision cam

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

eyetoy !!

Me says:


Me says:

wow thats impreesive

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats quite cool

Me says:

its sdtupid but i never knew you could do thatw ith vcision cam

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i remember when the cam was announced and it said it could do all this stuff and then nobody did any of it

guys they've found the hardrive says:

that games very eye toy

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

this is so ripped from eyetoy

Me says:

yeah it is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol wt was that

Me says:

but the firs tone wasnt

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

yeh the first game was good

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i don't understand what the link to movies is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its just a load of minigames

guys they've found the hardrive says:

your on tv basically

guys they've found the hardrive says:

man this is embarrassing for everyone involved

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im cringing

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh no

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

just no

guys they've found the hardrive says:

what must her parents think

Me says:

whats shge doingt

guys they've found the hardrive says:

cover your eyes

Me says:

lag is covering them for me

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

this should be interesting

guys they've found the hardrive says:

its quite a good idea

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

thats quite cool actually

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im impressed so far with the conference

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

bound to be

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

god they've ripped so much stuff

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its crazy

guys they've found the hardrive says:

they nicked the avatars. the movies thing is alot different to the eyetoy

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

the minigames aren't

Me says:

damn 80%

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol ownd

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

no one woo'd when he said guitar hero

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

they obviously got the inspiration from the eyetoy, but i think its different enough to justify it as a new 'thing'

guys they've found the hardrive says:

freexe ye

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i can't wait for tomorrow

guys they've found the hardrive says:

*i got the freeze

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

2 conferences 1 day !

guys they've found the hardrive says:

yep tres cool

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i think this will be the best this year though

guys they've found the hardrive says:

this has been very good so far

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i'm wondering about portal

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i think its going to be downloadable

guys they've found the hardrive says:

it is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

they said on xbla

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i want another compliation box

Me says:

Chinese Democracy

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

tht was a rumour

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

lol no one cheered at Metallica

guys they've found the hardrive says:

great conference so far: netflix, gears, geometry wars 2, new dashboard, galaga, portal 2

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

galaga !

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i still want more games though

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its usually at the end

guys they've found the hardrive says:

new ones that is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

peter moore comes out and says

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

'oh and one more thing'

guys they've found the hardrive says:

halo chronicles

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

here we go

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh god are they serious

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

it could at least have a unique twist

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats so nicked

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the main screen

guys they've found the hardrive says:

that has to be a copyright infringement

Me says:


Me says:

my ZUne will eb there

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats great, loading tunes up from that

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

you can do that on singstar

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

the new one anyway

Me says:

man i can finally sing my bhangra trax in a game

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

first game chris

guys they've found the hardrive says:

first game

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

you heard the man

guys they've found the hardrive says:

all hail lips

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

damn you duffy"

Me says:

who and what the fuck are duffy

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

that singer

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

god get with the times

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i actually think dancing master chief is cooler

guys they've found the hardrive says:

he should be an unlockable charcater on lips

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

singing the halo theme

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that would be surreal

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i've no idea how that would work without words

guys they've found the hardrive says:

but they should do it anyway

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

god i can't believe how much copying they've done

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the avatars are copied and so is lips.

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

so are the eyetoy games

guys they've found the hardrive says:

but i genuinely dont think the movies thing is copied

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

so is scene it

guys they've found the hardrive says:

that controller is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

the game is aswell if you've seen the buzz interface

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im actually really looking forward to the game shows

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its just that is movie questions

Me says:

I don;'t know there core ideaas are copied but theyve innovated on top of it

guys they've found the hardrive says:

that'll be so weird

guys they've found the hardrive says:

yeah they've taken those ideas and ran with them

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and we've still got the motion controller to come

guys they've found the hardrive says:

oh duffy was there

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

duffys hot

Me says:

no it wont

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i hope the motion controller doesn't happen

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the wii has turned me off it

Me says:

it wont it wa suncovere dit wa smotus games

guys they've found the hardrive says:

timed exclusive

Me says:

damn MS are dominating showing off GH4 and RB2 on the same stage

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i know i've seen the controller

Me says:

they jus dont give a FUICK

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

rock band seriously needs to innovate

guys they've found the hardrive says:

there going to town with this conference

Me says:

dude looks like Will Arnett

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

wow impressive

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

is that meant to be a joke

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

like you can't read it

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

thats hot

guys they've found the hardrive says:

move aside rock man, bring on master chief

guys they've found the hardrive says:

unless smashing pumpkins appear i wont be happy

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

theyre on

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i've seen it

Me says:

they have only good bands there ed

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

shut up

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

if i was there i would be heckling for the chief by now

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

actually they haven't shown halo wars

Me says:

its playable at E3

Me says:

Im amazed Red octane and Harmoix agreed

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol why, theyer promoting their stuff

guys they've found the hardrive says:

square enix!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh god

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i'm worried now

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

please no ff 13

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

he never comes out

Me says:

no ff13 hell be pimping star ocean

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

guys they've found the hardrive says:

it'll be a new franchise

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

fucking better

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

otherwise were screwed !

Me says:

maybe MMO?

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh my god i'm seriously tense here

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

this guy never ever ever shows at these things

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

unless its huge !

Me says:

FF7 mebs?

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

i dont think so

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

hope not

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

screwed with that aswell

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i might just be this stuff

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

this is all old

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i know

Me says:

this is all showcase shit

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

there will be something new

Me says:

this is e3 microsoft

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

trust me

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

haha he can't say his r's

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

have they showed infinite undiscovery

Me says:

fuck last remnant, we dont want none of that shit

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

or was i sleeping

Me says:

no they ahvent

Me says:

but i have HD ganmeplay footage if you want it

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

huh well thats a square game

Me says:

its in Japanese though

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and its exclusive

Me says:

only time d though

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

bad graphics

Me says:

wha kind of power do fucking remnants have

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

really bad

guys they've found the hardrive says:

star ocean and last remnants are timed exclusive. infinite undiscovery is totallt exclusive

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and thats meant to be 3 disced

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

did he say pretty shit !

Me says:

a pretty shit move

Me says:

damn fucking straight mate]

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

haha lol

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

love him

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

was that it ?

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats was lame

Me says:

but wait

Me says:

a wild ff13 appears

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol shut up

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

xbox 360 RAN

guys they've found the hardrive says:

oh crap!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

SHIT !!!

Me says:

yes ye syes

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:


Me says:

whats happening

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i can't see the screen

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

wank thats ff13

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

yeah it definately is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh my god

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that is huge

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i don't know what to sya

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

maybe its sqeenix devd halo gane

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

Me says:

i wanna be on SW right now

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

SW will explode

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

this is the biggest ps3 game aswell

guys they've found the hardrive says:

omg that has made my holiday

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

omg CLOUD!

Me says:

ll did u see the blu turn green

Me says:

i reckon that was a in joke

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats such a nerd observation lol

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

how many disks though ay?

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i can't believe that

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i know

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i'm stunned

guys they've found the hardrive says:

best conference ever for that alone

Me says:

no wait

Me says:

Alan Wake or Halo trailer now

Me says:

it was done so well

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

not me

Me says:

he tapped him on the fucking back

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

please don't say exclusive

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

no thank you square enix man

Me says:


Me says:

i love Don Mattrick just for that

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

a dark cloud hangs over my head

guys they've found the hardrive says:

well 360 is no home to JRPG's

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oooh low

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

star ocean, FF 13, infinite undiscovery, tales of vesparia

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i think i'm gonna go check out system wars

guys they've found the hardrive says:

little disappointed at no halo chronicles trailer

Me says:

yeha i know

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

how can you be disappointed

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its final fantasy xiii

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

its the biggest game !

guys they've found the hardrive says:

as an MS fan i have very high standards

Me says:

i knwo what eds saying

Me says:

i mena we need halo bro

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i'm suprised at no forza

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

gamespot has broken again

Me says:

im wtching FF13 trailer again

guys they've found the hardrive says:

netflix, new dashboard, FF XIII, galaga, game shows, geometry wars, gears, portal 2, banjo on xbl

Me says:

i like new dashboard

guys they've found the hardrive says:

that was absoloutely awesome

Me says:

they got the right mix

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i'll have to see how it handles

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i like the new chat system

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol we should post our live blog lol

Me says:

i might post it to my blog

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the seamless transition thing looks amazing

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

there will have to be alot of censoring on my posts

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

im going to system wars...lets be appauling

Me says:

i love it how the japanese guy built up his thanks

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

man gs is messed up

Me says:

DOn mattricks so smooth

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i can't believe they did the 'oh and one more thing'

Me says:

he did what peter never coukd

Me says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

still got mgs4 i guess

Me says:

he left us ed liek little cubs in winter

Me says:

he left when the red rings got too much for us

Me says:

then a stornge rfugue came

Me says:

silent for a year

Me says:

never saying anything

Me says:

only apearing on Major Nelsons show once

Me says:

but then ehre he is in all of his orgasmic glory

guys they've found the hardrive says:

he should have tatooed the FFXIII

guys they've found the hardrive says:

then he would be my hero

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i would have dont my GCSE 'who you admire' on him

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

lol yh

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

guys they've found the hardrive says:

Mr king would be like wtf

Me says:

hey chris its ok

Me says:

LBP dude

guys they've found the hardrive says:

dont console him

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i've got a whole day to wait for sonys retaliation

guys they've found the hardrive says:

hes the enemy

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

iw as gonna syahome but im not gonna isnult ur intelligence

Me says:

im not being a fanboy

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

but that presentation was exactly the right mix

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

it was very good granted

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

ff13 stole it though

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i was impressed with just the sheer volume of stuff.

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and most of the other stuff was just stolen

Me says:

the tap on the shoulde rbro

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

compared with last year it was better than all 3 combined

Me says:

the new dashboard definitly impresses

Me says:

hopefully theyll ahve abckgrounds

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i said that at the time

guys they've found the hardrive says:

what will happen to theme

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i prefer the old dashboard

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i'll be pissed if you cant use old ones

Me says:

GIant bombs got pretty big round up

guys they've found the hardrive says:

the new dashboard looks better but its probably not as pratical. who else thought the game show thing was really cool. 100 gamers on that american game show- as bharat would say 'banter'

Me says:

nio thats the point it is as practical

Me says:

its still clean

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

anyway i think i've gotta go

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

actually not yet

guys they've found the hardrive says:

dont kill yourslef

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

but gag you should definately post this !

Me says:

i will

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i don't think sony's retaliation will be that good

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' has left the conversation.

Me says:

what format should i change it to chris>?

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

lol no its wasnt a game joke althoughn im sure that what squeenix asked MS

Me says:

iw as talkign about the convo file

guys they've found the hardrive says:

oh right.

guys they've found the hardrive says:

man that was so good

guys they've found the hardrive says:

better than expected. so much good stuff

Me says:


Me says:

and they still didnt show

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im so hyped for Geometry wars 2

Me says:

Alan Wake Halo Wars and Halo Chronicles

Me says:

i thinkt hey might tease it at the end

guys they've found the hardrive says:

so did i. that was the only disapointment. but halo wars is playable so its not that big a deal for that game

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' has been added to the conversation.

guys they've found the hardrive says:

anyone got gs working?

Me says:

im on GB

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

look at the comments on the n4g story

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:




3 -

LOL... This will get crazy. I'm out.... RUN!!!

guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

guys they've found the hardrive says:

man im also happy about that 'horde mode' on gears

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

btw apparantly that gears demo was pre recorded

Me says:

what was that

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and not live !

Me says:

i got hit by lag

Me says:

see that a press conference

Me says:

when you forget about fucking gears

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

oh my days, galaga !

guys they've found the hardrive says:

there was sooooo much stuff

Me has left the conversation.

guys they've found the hardrive says:

gags passed out

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

man i wish we were still at school

guys they've found the hardrive says:

its all been too much

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

nerd overload

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

damn it he never got to see fable 2 !

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol ed we need you to save this conversation

guys they've found the hardrive says:

fable 2 looks good. but gears was by far the runaway title

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

it will be comedy gold in a few months

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

uh oh

guys they've found the hardrive says:

it gets really tense when the FF guy comes on stage

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

callam just found out about ff13

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

not a happy man

guys they've found the hardrive says:

because you know we're all going crazy

guys they've found the hardrive says:

nobody wants to jinx anything

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i know lol

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

you guys didn't think it was ff13

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i was hoping it wasn'tt

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and then when he left it was a sigh

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

but then gag 'he's coming back!'

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i thought it would be a new series

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

the only thing that can redeem sony in my eyes is a ff7 remake

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

punts is at the door lol

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

lol he's off to tiger

guys they've found the hardrive says:

lol, should have gone with him

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

no money

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and i don't think i'd be a good drunk tonight lol

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

man why isn't sw working!

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

gawd its just going to be mayhem

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

remember gerstmann gate

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

the forums were anarchy

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i just said the ps3 is dead on n4g

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im going to stir like mad

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i need god of war 3

guys they've found the hardrive says:

thats definately coming at some point

Me has been added to the conversation.

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

it better

guys they've found the hardrive says:

how do i save this convo

Me says:

file save as

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that would make the press conference if all of a sudden the lights dimmed and the god of war theme played

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

or just select it all and copy and paste it into a word doc

guys they've found the hardrive says:

wouldn't be as big as this though

Me says:

my disspaointments

Me says:

No alanwake

no Itagaki

Me says:

No zune announcements

Me says:

no halo chronicles

Me says:

no halo wars

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

itagaki seriously

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

zune seriously

Me says:

yes eriously

Me says:

zune fuck yes

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

you do realise that halo chronicles is never going to happen any more

Me says:

yes it is

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

now peter moore is gone theres no one to force peter jackson to do it

Me says:

wing nut stuidos are deedicated bro

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

he's ran

Me says:

I think we now know DOn MAttrick > Peter Moore

guys they've found the hardrive says:

halo wars is playably so thats not a big deal

Me says:

All hail DON

guys they've found the hardrive says:

im a little disappointed DR 2 wasn't there but it was a long shot anyway

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

shenmue 3 !

Me says:


Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

dead rising

Me says:

oh yeah

Me says:

ok i gotta jet see you gusy tommorow

Me says:

ed send me that email bro

guys they've found the hardrive says:

i will

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

bye gag

guys they've found the hardrive says:


Me says:

Weare the new sony, Itagaki Sakaguchi, Wada

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

and may god bless your nerdy soul

Me says:

but wiat ed

Me says:


The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:


Me says:

see you chris i will eb jsut as phsyced for the Sony conference because of GOW3 and LBP

Me says:

but we can all hate on Nintendo

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

that will be wank

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

like last years

Me says:

I dont give a FUCK about casuals

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

mate you are casual now

Me says:


Me has left the conversation.

guys they've found the hardrive says:

no way- hate on sony and stay prou

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i don't know what to do now i'm lost

The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

without press conferences

guys they've found the hardrive writes:

(he Sun Lolly King^('Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

will hopefully flop

guys they've found the hardrive says:


guys they've found the hardrive says:

anyway i can't save this convo

(he Sun Lolly King^('Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:

i'll never be able to mention that game without remembering this day

Me says:
guys this is as close as i will ever get to a nerdgasm
guys they've found the hardrive says:
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
btw ed, liquid thursday !
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
lol, gag
guys they've found the hardrive says:
one party for all games and 8-player private chat. jesus
Me says:
]its cooled ive got it
guys they've found the hardrive says:
imagine, we watch a film, got to gears, then be on a gameshow with another 100 people. then stick on some FF XIII
Me says:
guys this is as close as i will ever get to a nerdgasm
guys they've found the hardrive says:
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
btw ed, liquid thursday !
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
lol, gag
guys they've found the hardrive says:
one party for all games and 8-player private chat. jesus
Me says:
]its cooled ive got it
guys they've found the hardrive says:
imagine, we watch a film, got to gears, then be on a gameshow with another 100 people. then stick on some FF XIII
guys they've found the hardrive says:
thats living
guys they've found the hardrive says:
Me says:
now we;ve got Bungie countdown to look forward to
guys they've found the hardrive says:
* fingers crossed for the squad shooter
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
resistance 2 anyone ?
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
oh man this sucks
thats living
guys they've found the hardrive says:
Me says:
now we;ve got Bungie countdown to look forward to
guys they've found the hardrive says:
* fingers crossed for the squad shooter
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
resistance 2 anyone ?
The Sun Lolly King^ 'Its not about a salary its all about reality' says:
oh man this sucks

Thursday, 19 June 2008

The Dark Knight delves deeper into the "Dark Knight Returns" lore.


Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" was the first Batman comic I ever read.

Enchanted by the grime, horror infested streets of Miller's Gotham, it is fair to say the comic changed my view of Batman. No longer was he merely the brooding vigilante seen in Tim Burton's Batman films, he was much more.

The Dark Knight Returns was made so great, in my opinion, by Miller portraying Batman as a man who is no longer loved by his city, once a saviour now a menace. There were hints of this in Batman Begins, however it seems that characters who complained about Batman were more confused than hateful, however the latest piece of viral marketing suggests that this hatred has grown into something much worse, and thus has stimulated an underground group to form. The "Nycticeius Underground" (Nycticeius being a type of bat) seems to be the name of a forum that /Film was contacted about unfortunately it's password protected.

I think it is obvious from the trailers that we'll be seeing a sons of batman thread in the movie which sees Batman doubting whether he is needed and if he is crossing the moral line of being a vigilante who no longer has the support of Gotham. The evidence appears everywhere, from the introduction of Harvey Dent, to Christian Bale looking rather despondent in trailer. However the greatest piece  of evidence is the appearance of this forum, a seemingly pro-batman group which is underground is rather reminiscent of the "Sons of Batman" in The Dark Knight Returns.

I'm not a big fan of viral campaigns, however I must say that this one has certainly kept me interested and built hype for this film. The fact Christopher Nolan seems to be able to insert all of these aspects that would keep a your hardcore Batman fan happy, whilst subtly inserting them so that the film is not bogged down by it is amazing.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Mr Dent, you such a tease!

No Spoilers here.

This short video has just been released teasing Harvey Dent. Is this for The Dark Knight or Batman 3? I don't know. Is this fucking awesome? Hell yeah

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Why there was no Spring Update

Rumours are currently coming out regarding an"avatar" system coming to Xbox Live.

Ever since it was announced that there would be no Spring Update this year there was speculation that Xbox Live would be getting a massive overhaul come Fall, and here it is.


Ever since the announcement of the Playstation Home it was always thought that Microsoft would respond with something similar, however as shown by the picture this more a response to the Wii's "Mii's", pair this with news of a "Newton" motion-sensitive controller and it seems that Microsoft wants a piece of Nintendo's casual cake.

Is this the right decision?

Although in terms of business it seems blindingly obvious, and it seems that both Microsoft and Sony are going after the casual market, yet I feel that with over 500,000 Wii's selling in May that it's too little too late. Of course from Microsoft's perspective it makes sense : go after a space you've been chasing after but have failed horribly at (see - "Scene It"), with what seems to be the new craze. The systems are already under the TV, why not let the whole finally get in on the Xbox action?

Details are scarce but it will be interesting to see what they say about it at E3, thus giving us a hint at who it will be marketed to.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Innovation, screw you.

While I've been burying my head into various books and files I am sure you faithful "Shinty Club" followers ( all 3 of you) have been awaiting my return, and that I have.

I have returned on the back end of what has been an exciting seven days. The Microsoft Gamers Day in San Francisco showed MS essentially diversifying their portfolio, and with a really nice looking Banjo game announced and more Gears of War 2 screenshots released, 2008 is shaping up to be a really nice year for me and my 360.

When the Gears of War trailer was released last Friday, I must admit I was a tad dissapointed. I don't know what I was expecting; some massive overhaul in gameplay. No. Some great change in art style. No. Yet I did feel as though it lacked the surge of adrenaline that I got the first time I played Gears on my 360.

However on deeper thought I was happy, as long as they make little changes I would not mind if Gears of War 2 was simply refined. I felt that Gears of War needed more immersive gameplay, with maybe more large scale battles, and an improvement in the storyline; all of which seems to be being delivered. On the multiplayer front as long as it has a coherent party system I'm more than content.

The announcement of this game brought something up for me that crops up in all mediums, the fact that people expect and want constant innvoation .The thing that annoys me is innovation for innovation sake. I know for example that when I watch Iron Man it will not do something I won't have seen before and that is not a bad thing, when people complain that "its the same game" or "Game X 1.5" it really hits a nerve.

Why should something change? Yes innovation in areas where its needed but refinement is a greater art, how to refine a game without making it repetitive takes more skill than to simply introduce a new aspect that, rather than being fresh or introducing a new aspect to a genre, is there simply to be another bullet point on the feature list.

The developers of LOTR : Conquest. IGN reccently interviewed the developers and they had no problem with saying

"The high-level pitch is this is basically fantasy Battlefront."

This is the first line of the interview with IGN, and I'm not complaining LOTR:"Battlefront" seems an excellent idea for a game and I believe this sort of fan service is exactly what the industry needs sometimes.

People reaction's to innovation vary. The industry has seen mass market success wtih the Wii, which had a creative inital concept ( ie. executing motion controlling) yet as really failed to innovate since, with only a hand full of games doing something useful with the remote rather than using it as a gimmick.

I feel that even sports games such as Pro Evolution Soccer have lost there sheen as the developers simply add something new to sell a new copy, rather than actually catering to what the fans what. The feel of the game was perfected in Pro Evolution Soccer 5, yet three years on we still don't have fully licensed teams.

This all stems from the fact that people demand innovation, and developers automatically go for it, sometimes a game doesn't have to be a piece of art or wholly different, sometimes it's better off just taking a mechanic and putting different (see: Middle Earth) textures.

Friday, 18 April 2008

You tried Ed, you tried.

As you can probably see in the post below, the announcement of Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe is one of epic proportions, and as you can probably se below I soon realized that it was too good to be true.

Since then a teaser trailer and interview with creator Ed Boon has come out, and as much as I want to like it, I can't and here's why.

  • Art Style : Simply the art style they've employed seems too abstract, too saturday morning TV. I appreciate MK for it's funny yet mature stylings, yet the way that Batman looks is very old-school 1960 and maybe with the stylings of McFarlane (see long, flowing cape), and to see a Batman with a very different art style is disheartening.

  • Power Explanation - Rather surprisingly I like the way Boon and co. have tackled this hurdle, rather than have a storyline that actually attempts to make sense, he left us with the simple :
"A cataclysmic event causes the DCU and MK universe to start merging"

However I was less than impressed with how there is going to be an explanation that Superman can't fly, heat ray etc. Something about Superman's abilities having been paired down. Now why would they even meddle with DC canon, simply put you either give him full abilities, or paired down ones yet there is no need for a justification for this, I personally see this as an assault on the character.

It's not all doom and gloom however, reports that there would be "little or no blood" seem to be unfounded, as seen below.

I know it's bad to judge this so early however I feel that even though I love both of the univeresi that it could be amazing. However I still have alot of faith in Ed Boon who seems really animated and enthusiastic about the project that I just hope it turns out good.